EU Funds for Malta 2014-2020
CONvErGE connected eGovernment


Oħloq kont tal-e-ID

Il-Professjonisti Legali li għandhom id-dettalji tagħhom fis-sistema tal-qorti ingħataw aċċess awtomatiku għall-eCourts. Huma għandhom aċċess aktar wiesgħa u għandhom is-servizzi indikati hawn taħt. Kull m’għandhom jagħmlu hu li jilloggjaw permezz tal-eID.

Dawk il-Professjonisti Legali li meta jilloggjaw permezz tal-eID isibu li għandhom aċċess limitat peress li ma jkollhomx id-dettalji tagħhom fis-sistema tal-qorti, għandhom jibgħatu email fuq u jibgħatu d-dettalji personali tagħhom (isem u kunjom, numru tal-karta tal-identita’ u numru tal-mobile) kopja tal-warrant scanned biex jingħataw aċċess aktar wiesgħa għas-servizzi online.

Welcome to eCourts

The Court Services Agency welcomes you to eCourts.

Log in using your e-ID in order to access Civil Case and Act information.

Citizen services include:

Legal Professional services include:

Legal professionals that have registered for the eCourts service are provided with extended access rights. Those Legal Professionals who notice that they have only limited access when they login with their eID because their details are not inserted in the courts system, may send an email to with their personal details (name, surname, ID card number and mobile number) together with a scanned copy of their warrant so that they will be given a wider access to online services.

  • Criminal Cases in their superior jurisdiction (access from Civil Cases) New
  • Civil Cases (Extended)
  • Judgements (Extended)
  • Acts
  • Warrants
  • Civil Forms
  • Interdiction and Incapacitation Register

Operational Programme 1
CONvErGE connected eGovernment

Dan is-sit jagħmel użu mill-cookies biex jiggarantilek l-aħjar esperjenza. Jekk ma tbiddilx is-settings tiegħek, nifhmu li qed taċċetta l-użu tal-cookies b’mod awtomatiku. Iktar Informazzjoni